Space for Cycling workshop – London 28th January

Forum members attended a workshop organised by Cycling UK for the relaunch of the Space for Cycling campaign. The focus of the event held in Southwark Town Hall was on a simple inclusive message that will resonate with the wider public, not just people who cycle. We are all familiar with the benefits that cycling brings – better […]

Minutes of the HDCF meeting 6th December 2016

Attendees: Philip Ayerst, Andy Bateson, Thea Bredie, Ruth Fletcher (Chair), Claire Freor-Humphreys, James Mack (Colgate PC), Peter Silburn (Secretary), Dick Streeter Apologies: Richard Bates, Geoff Bragg, Simon Mortimer, Stella Sharp, Jill Shuker, Graham Sitton, Francis Vernon Agenda We were delighted to welcome two new faces: Andy Bateson and James Mack. James is a Colgate parish councillor […]

A cycle campaign group for East Grinstead

UPDATE 20/12/16: The inaugural meeting of the EG Cycle Forum will take place on Saturday 14th January at 11:00am in the activity room of East Grinstead library. Please contact Paul Brown ( for further details. Inspired by the West Sussex Cycle Summit and frustrated at the lack of safe space for cycling in the town, local […]

Building an underpass in a weekend

It is occasionally and erroneously stated that underpasses are unsafe and difficult to build. However, underpasses are already used safely and successfully in Horsham, e.g. the North Street Subway, the track to the Horsham golf club and also the newly created tunnel under the M23 at Handcross. All are safe and not intimidating when properly designed […]

Response to Piries Place planning application

We have submitted the following response to the planning application for the old Waitrose site in Piries Place. DC/16/2506 | Partial redevelopment, conversion and change of use of numbers 1-17 Piries Place, the former Waitrose service area for mixed uses comprising A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, C1, D2 uses, new Piries Place public realm extending […]

West Sussex Cycle Summit presents “compelling case” for investment in cycle infrastructure

At the West Sussex Cycle Summit held in County Hall, Chichester on the 30th September delegates heard of the huge economic benefits that investing in cycle infrastructure can bring to the county, and how businesses are calling for high-quality cycle routes that will enable employers to safely get to work. Cllr Peter Smith, Cabinet member […]

Minutes of the HDCF AGM 4th October 2016

Attendees: Philip Ayerst, Geoff Bragg, Thea Bredie, Ruth Fletcher (Chair), Claire Freor-Humphreys, Steve Gledhill, Stella Sharp, Peter Silburn (Secretary), Graham Sitton (Forest NC/Blueprint), Peggy Streamer, Peter Streamer, Dick Streeter, Mark Treasure Apologies: Richard Bates, John Chaplin, Frances Haigh, Matt Steel, Francis Vernon Agenda Approval of previous minutes Approved unamended. Horsham Football Club Ruth, Philip, Mark, Francis […]

Medical professionals call on Horsham and West Sussex to act on cycle routes

In an open letter to Horsham and West Sussex councils, 26 medical professionals have called for better road designs to get “massive” health benefits from more people being able to cycle. The letter was today published in the West Sussex County Times alongside an Editorial calling on the views of the medics to be taken seriously in the creation of a […]

Minutes of the HDCF meeting 2nd August 2016

Attendees: Philip Ayerst, Geoff Bragg, Geoff Farrell (WSCF), Ruth Fletcher (Chair), Peter Silburn (Secretary), Stella Sharp, Graham Sitton (Blueprint/Forest NC), Mark Treasure, Francis Vernon Apologies: Richard Bates, Robert Laird (Curtin & Co) Agenda Approval of previous minutes Approved unamended. Matters arising Contraflows in Carfax and Wickhurst Lane Still no progress on implementing these. Further follow-up […]

A trip to Amsterdam – What’s it like to ride in the “cycling capital of the World”?

I last visited Amsterdam over 30 years ago so a return trip was long overdue. My teenage son came along and whilst we ostensibly came to see the Dutch Masters and eat chips with mayonnaise out of paper cups we could hardly not take the opportunity to ride a bike in this self-styled “cycling capital of the World”. You don’t […]