Cycle shelters “poor use of money” – WS County Times article

On the 26th March 2015 the West Sussex County Times published the following article on the new cycle shelters being installed in Horsham town centre.  

Warnham – proposal to divert parts of footpaths 1577 and 1578 and upgrade to shared use

Deatils of Warnham Parish Council’s proposal to divert parts of footpaths 1577 and 1578 and upgrade to shared use can be found below. Letter to Cyclists Report for consultation 01548 01549  

Comments to the Inspector on the Horsham District Planning Framework and the proposed development

Attached are the Cycle Forum’s Comments to the Inspector on Documents REP/847002/007A & 007B- PBA Transport, Infrastructure and Flood Risk. HDCF Comments to the Inspector – Transport, Infrastructure-3

Spending LSTF money on cycle shelters will not boost cycling in Horsham

The West Sussex County Times reports a “boost for Horsham cyclists” with the news that £30,000 of LSTF money is being spent on cycle shelters. The Horsham District Cycling Forum responds in full below. We are disappointed to see such a large sum of Local Sustainable Transport Fund money (£30,000) being put to poor use. Town-centre cycle […]

Horsham’s Missing Link – WS County Times article now online

The 2-page Special Report in the West Sussex County Times is now available online. Horsham cycling community calls for project to take ‘once in a generation’ chance Cyclists show support to support campaign for ‘missing link’ between Horsham and Crawley Cyclists have been pushing for link between Horsham and Crawley for more than a decade […]

Horsham station forecourt “improvements” – WS County Times article

On the 26th February 2015 the West Sussex County Times published the following article on the poor quality of the “improvements” to the Horsham station forecourt for walkers and cyclists.  

Horsham’s Missing Link: 2-page Special Report in WS County Times

Today (March 5th 2015) the West Sussex County Times ran a 2-page Special Report on our campaign to complete Horsham’s Missing Link.

Minutes of the HDCF Meeting 2 March 2015

Horsham District Cycling Forum Minutes of Meeting 2 March 2015

Positive meeting with Francis Maude MP

The Forum had a positive meeting last week with Horsham’s MP, Francis Maude. We raised our concerns about the lack of safe and attractive crossings of Horsham’s northern bypass for people walking and cycling. We discussed the failure to deliver the Missing Link in the Horsham to Crawley cycle route, and also the potentially unattractive […]

Fantastic turnout for Horsham’s Missing Link campaign photo!

Wet and windy weather didn’t prevent a crowd of around 40 people demonstrating their support for completing the Horsham to Crawley cycle route. The depth and breadth of support shows the scheme has strong backing across the entire community. As well as representatives from organisations such as the Horsham Society, Sustrans, CTC, the Horsham and Crawley Cycle Forums, […]