Attendees: Philip Ayerst, Cllr Andrew Baldwin (Con, Horsham East), Geoff Bragg, Thea Breadie, Ruth Fletcher (Chair), Stella Sharp, Peter Silburn (Secretary), Graham Sitton (Forest NC), Mark Treasure, Jon Vincent
Apologies: Francis Vernon
Approval of previous minutes
Approved unamended.
Matters arising
Horsham tourism
Thea and Ruth to meet HDC on 26th September.
Pavilions car park plans
The planning application has been deferred with an agreement that they must consult with us before resubmitting.
North of Horsham development/local cycle network plan (LCWIP)
HDC has put in an expression of interest. We have been told that we will not be able to see details of the document until the members have seen it.
The forum will be meeting Nigel Weston (Projects Engineer, HDC) on 22nd August.
Horsham town centre contraflows
Disappointing initial response from HDC that this flagship scheme will be mainly signing and road markings. The forum will need to respond (copied to Andrew Baldwin). Andrew offered to speak to Peter Bradley.
Ruth, Andrew
Horsham Town Centre Vision
We have put in our response. Philip to chase up what happens next.
WSCF common sense & safety interventions
This is an initiative by Geoff Farrell (WSCF chair) to document “relatively small improvements that might not need vast amounts of management time or cash”. It is not clear what, if any, funding could be made available and it was widely felt that this was yet another list of potential things that never goes anywhere but that there is no harm in responding. Please forward any suggestions to Peter who will collate them and forward them to Geoff.
Researching paths for the definitive map
Nigel Friswell (Horsham Society) is compiling a list of paths that are currently used but which are not recorded on the definite map, and could therefore lose their status. We will obviously need to know which paths are already on the definite map before submitting suggestions. Ruth to forward details.
Mark to put in a FoI request to find out the local by-laws on cycling in parks and green/open spaces.
Shelley birthday bike ride
Thea has organised a bike ride around Horsham on Friday 4th August to commemorate the 225th birthday of the poet Shelley.
Kilnwood Vale bridleway
Sue Philipson (PROW) is in the process of getting another contractor to quote for surfacing the problem section (from the playground to the new access to the KV development). This will be a crushed concrete surface using a fine layer on top of a rougher sub-layer. She will investigate possible sources of capital funding. This route scored highly under their criteria. Peter to follow up.
Southwater Parish Council
Southwater PC are in the process of completing a Neighbourhood Plan and have invited us to discuss cycling needs within the parish. [Post-meeting note: this will now take place on Monday 14th August]
Renewal of maintenance contract
Andrew Baldwin mentioned that WSCC are soon to renew their highways maintenance contract. We should ensure that cycle paths are included in the remit. Ruth to raise this with Geoff Farrell.
Horsham Blueprint
We have been approached by Horsham Blueprint to develop a cycling policy for their neighbourhood plan.
Ruth/steering group
Date of next meeting
7:30pm on Tuesday 3rd October in the Bodiam Room, County Hall North, WSCC, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham.
Please enter by the side entrance. Cycle parking is available.
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