Proposed development sites assessed for sustainability and active travel

Horsham District Council is currently reviewing its list of potential housing development sites to identify whether it has sufficient land to meet its ten-year requirement to build new homes.

Developers have put forward early proposals for the largest of these sites (over 1,000 homes). Included in the list are sites on the outskirts of Billingshurst, Ifield, Kingsfold and Southwater, as well as the Mayfields New Town north of Henfield.

Aspirations for high quality cycling feature strongly in the developers’ proposals

HDC is expected to need almost 1000 new homes each year over the plan period. New developments give the developers greater opportunities to invest in new infrastructure (roads, schools etc.) but their locations make them inherently more car dependent. It is therefore crucial that proper cycle infrastructure is built in from the outset.

The cycle forum has been assessing the merits of the developers’ proposals, both as sustainable locations in their own right, as well as how they fare on sustainable designs for cycling. We hope to engage with the developers in the future to discuss how their plans can be made better for cycling.

You can read our initial assessment here.

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